We build solutions, in the form of businesses, to address society's most pressing challenges.

Our companies commit to social, financial and environmental resiliency goals. We reinvest in new solutions to perpetuate our impact. 



Our Process

Identify societal challenges in need of an entrepreneurial mind-set.

Assemble world-class innovation teams with expertise, passion and commitment.

Provide funding to develop the concept into a company.

Initiate, advise, fund, market test, and approve each company to stand on their own.

Structure to perpetuate social impact through sustainable financial performance.


We hold our companies to financial, environmental and social impact standards.

Our companies agree to:

1. Create products that improve lives.

2. Offer employee ownership. Hire from the same communities we aim to support. 

3. Build a business plan with financial security at its core.

4. Minimize waste and energy use. Source locally and utilize environmentally friendly products.

5. Listen and gain feedback from the communities we strive to support. Collaborate with other local organizations to maximize impact.



Our Philosophy

As social challenges grow, we must also develop our solutions and take them to scale. To more efficiently and effectively realize positive change, we believe solutions should be designed with an entrepreneurial, innovative, and long-term focus.


Learn more about our companies here